Pakistan: River Indus delta women's saga
Crisis Response Journal
JANUARY 24, 2016
Sea level rise as a result of climate change is destroying Pakistan's River Indus delta and water scarcity is becoming a major issue in the region.
Crisis Response Journal
JANUARY 24, 2016
Sea level rise as a result of climate change is destroying Pakistan's River Indus delta and water scarcity is becoming a major issue in the region.
Alert Media
JANUARY 28, 2016
We’re excited to announce updated monitoring services. We have improved our ability to deliver a customized, comprehensive approach to monitoring and tracking items that directly impact our customers’ organizations. Our expanded monitoring service includes: A 24/7 monitoring team tracking over 2,000 third-party sources, looking for warnings that could impact your business.
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Plan B Consulting
JANUARY 22, 2016
The importance of culture when impacting Business Continuity This week I have been at a company in the Netherlands teaching the two day BCI Introduction to Business Continuity course. The company, based in The Hague , is a subsidiary of a large Middle Eastern company. During the discussions and exercises I became very aware of how the culture of the company affects its business continuity management system.
Behavior Group
JANUARY 21, 2016
implementing ISO 27001 Many senior executives associate ISO 27001 with IT, but take this out of your mind. ISO 27001 is about information. Is about managing the security risks and threats that can affects integrity, confidentially and availability, and guess what, it is applicable to all organizations. So, why should you consider implementing ISO 27001?
Speaker: Erroll Amacker
As businesses increasingly adopt automation, finance leaders must navigate the delicate balance between technology and human expertise. This webinar explores the critical role of human oversight in accounts payable (AP) automation and how a people-centric approach can drive better financial performance. Join us for an insightful discussion on how integrating human expertise into automated workflows enhances decision-making, reduces fraud risks, strengthens vendor relationships, and accelerates R
Crisis Response Journal
JANUARY 20, 2016
Risk Frontiers’ PhD Student, Avianto Amri, is from Jakarta and was there last week doing fieldwork when the terror struck.
Continuity Professional Pulse brings together the best content for business continuity professionals from the widest variety of industry thought leaders.
Crisis Response Journal
JANUARY 12, 2016
The so-called Islamic State is gambling on both the political and military fronts with its intention to declare a new state, but rather than being the precursor to some major regional crusade, Patrick McIlwee says we will see even more factionalism and in By Patrick McIlwee
Crisis Response Journal
JANUARY 11, 2016
Drones became front-page news for specialist operators, such as the police in Belgium, the fire service in the Netherlands and even during the terrorist attacks in Paris.
Crisis Response Journal
JANUARY 3, 2016
Joshua Potts provides an insight into the increasing use of drones within the emergency services, and in critical situations.
Plan B Consulting
JANUARY 22, 2016
The importance of culture when impacting Business Continuity. This week I have been at a company in the Netherlands teaching the two day BCI Introduction to Business Continuity course. The company, based in The Hague , is a subsidiary of a large Middle Eastern company. During the discussions and exercises I became very aware of how the culture of the company affects its business continuity management system.
During a crisis, successful organizations are led by strong leaders who communicate continuously with all stakeholders and have plans that are flexible enough to allow changes to be made on the fly. What You'll Learn: Understanding the characteristics of actionable business continuity plans. Step-by-step guidance on building robust and adaptable BCPs.
Plan B Consulting
JANUARY 1, 2016
Happy New Year to all our readers! There have been a number of incidents in the UK over Christmas and New Year which I think points towards changes in the incident landscape and new challenges for business continuity people. I think these changes are going to affect us in 2016 and for several years to come. The incidents continue. As I listened to this morning news an inhabitant of Inverurie, Aberdeenshire was being interviewed on Radio Scotland.
Plan B Consulting
JANUARY 1, 2016
Happy New Year to all our readers! There have been a number of incidents in the UK over Christmas and New Year which I think points towards changes in the incident landscape and new challenges for business continuity people. I think these changes are going to affect us in 2016 and for several years to come. The incidents continue. As I listened to this morning news an inhabitant of Inverurie, Aberdeenshire was being interviewed on Radio Scotland.
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